Proposed school calendar falters as management teams stay home

The revised school calendar, proposed by the Department of Basic Education, has hit a snag as management teams, initially expected to report for duty on 11 May, have vowed to stay at home.

South Africa’s schooling system continues to wade through uncharted waters, as COVID-19, and the subsequent national lockdown, halts the curriculum with no signs of certainty. Despite releasing a revised school calendar in April, which proposed the return of School Management Teams (SMT) on 11 May, the Department of Basic Education, led by Minister Angie Motshekga, has failed to provide clarity the schooling system’s state of readiness.

The last official update from Motshekga, revealed that schooling directives would be ratified and gazetted by the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC). The department, together with local government, would be tasked with authorising the reopening of schools, which would be dependent health and safety precautions meeting the standard.

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The proposed calendar has, however, been left in limbo; with no official confirmation by Motshekga nor the NCCC and a fierce challenge by the National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of SA (Naptosa).

Teachers’ unions have criticised the education department’s premature proposal to have principals and school management teams return to work without adequate health protocols in place. Naptosa, joined in its call for a stay-away by the SA Democratic Teachers’ Union (Sadtu), has argued that management teams have not been supplied with personal protective equipment.

Serious concerns regarding the health and safety of management teams has resulted in all nine provinces calling for a postponement. All local departments have said that a lack of clarity from national government, coupled with insufficient preparation, has left the school calendar hanging in the balance.

Motshekga, who briefly met with unions on Saturday, is expected to resume talks with stakeholders on Monday. Sources close to the matter have noted that clarity concerning the reopening of schools will be delivered after Motshekga meets with Council of Education Ministers (CEM).

It seems likely that the proposed school calendar, which noted a return to class for Grade 7 and 12 pupils on 1 June, will be subject to yet another amendment following the latest delay.

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