Listening to classical music may improve your schoolwork

Learners are busy with their homework and study assignments from their schoolteachers, and with the schools still not open, this may go on for a long time.

Thanks to the highly technological digital and internet era of 2020, teachers and students can still fly and flap their academic wings, but how can this process of “home learning” be made easier, or more enjoyable for the learners?

Many students around the world feel they need to listen to music while they study or revise, believing it helps them “concentrate better”. Without a doubt, we can say that music affects us. It can give us chills, bring us to the edge of our seats, or moves us to tears. But how does music affect our ability to perform various tasks? Can it help students study more effectively, or does it distract from the completion of homework? Can we use music to help us work and study more efficiently?

Music and studying

Yes, music can help. Listening to music while studying is clever. Music is a large part of life for adolescents, and many use music in their everyday lives to manipulate their moods.

It has not been proven that listening to classical music, or any music for that matter, actually makes a person smarter or more intelligent, but it does improve the student’s mood. Listening to soft background music can make the student a happier person, as music releases pleasurable emotions and increases dopamine levels.

The health benefits of listening to music

According to research, listening to music triggers the release of dopamine in our brains. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of happiness and excitement.

Studies have found that students may be better at solving problems when they are in a positive mood compared to when they are in a negative or neutral mood. Music that is relaxing also helps students with stress and anxiety, thus leading them to study more efficiently. Listening to music actually lowers your cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that is usually responsible for feelings of stress and anxiety.

The link between classical music and improvements in cognitive ability is no secret. Famously referred to as “the Mozart effect”, many say that listening to Mozart will actually make you smarter. While this isn’t exactly true, Mozart can get the student in a more positive mood. The same of many of the instrumental compositions of Baroque and Pre-Baroque composers. It is important to listen to music without lyrics.

What about jazz? As another potentially relaxing genre that lacks lyrics, jazz is another choice for those less keen on Mozart or Beethoven. Jazz is good for studying because of its stress-reducing capabilities. It is well known that stress is the arch-enemy of memory. Jazz has also been linked to boosting creativity.

Suggestions for background music while studying

Baroque music for brain power – memory, concentration, reasoning, study, relax.

Three-Hour Classical Study Music Playlist – Concentration and better learning, focus music.

Classical Music for Studying – Mozart, Vivaldi, Haydn.

Relaxing jazz for study and work – Background instrumental concentration music for study and work.

Classical Music for Reading – Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, Tchaikovsky.

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