Isn’t it high time we personalised productivity?

The views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of The South African

I say it’s misunderstood because while it actually means working smart, for most people, it means working hard. To make things worse, one is considered worthy only if one is as busy as possible. This translates to working yourself to the bone and boasting about it as if it were an achievement. 

Whether you want to blame this toxic mentality on capitalism or Silicon Valley’s burnout-promoting culture, the end result is that if you want to get ahead in your career today, you have to rise and grind. Or at the very least, you have to put on a show if you don’t want to be seen as lazy or unambitious. It’s a dull way to exist, but most of us have given in to the pressure by prioritising work before everything else.

Think about it: Why should productivity be standardised?

We are all unique individuals, so how can there be a universal, one size fits all measure for efficiency? In fact, it is quite rigid to have a set barometer for it. And doesn’t everyone who values freedom want a flexible lifestyle? 

Imagine a world in which productivity is personalised. Where the two hours of work you put in matter just as much as the four hours your colleague puts in. Sounds unrealistic? Well, it’s anything but. It’s a basic human right that is long overdue.

It’s not hard to practise this if we all come to terms with the fact that everyone has different levels of mental and physical energy. Owing to factors like age, marital status, parenthood, capabilities, and disabilities, each individual has different levels of priorities and responsibilities. Therefore, the number of hours one works should be in accordance with their personal life. If we want work-life balance in the true sense of the term, this is the only way to achieve it.

And let’s face it, in the name of hustling, many of us often end up doing busywork 

Is there any point in wasting our most precious resource, time, simply to earn some worthless brownie points at the workplace? Now that we are in the middle of a deadly pandemic with no known cure, our time here on earth has become all the more valuable. Indeed, many of us have realised how short and uncertain our lives really are. The “seize the day” school of thought has never been more relevant. If our present situation teaches us anything, it is that we should never take our mortality for granted.

Alas, we are still ruled by capitalism and the ruthless 1% that rules, or rather, exploits the world. Even with the rise of automation, it might take years for this ideology to catch on. Until then, the rebels amongst us can set an example if we are privileged enough. If not, we can only dream of a world where we do not have to trade in individual freedom and me time to make a decent living. 

This content has been created as part of our freelancer relief programme. We are supporting journalists and freelance writers impacted by the economic slowdown caused by #lockdownlife.

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