Health Department: Prof Glenda Gray should be investigated

The Department of Health has called for an investigation into the president of the Medical Research Council, Prof Glenda Gray, over allegations she made regarding its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a letter addressed to the council’s chair Prof Mahlangu, the department’s acting director-general Dr Anban Pillay takes aim at Gray, accusing her of making a number of false claims against government.

“We do believe that these allegations are damaging to Government’s response to COVID-19 especially at a time when we need all South Africans to change behaviour as the main intervention to prevent the spread of the infection. These media statements cause confusion in the media and are likely to erode public support for behaviour change”, Pillay said.

The restrictions are “rubbish”

In a recent interview, Gray said the government had disregarded scientically-based advice and that the lockdown should be done away with. She also said measures including wearing facemasks and social distancing should be put into place.

“This strategy is not based on science and is completely unmeasured. Almost as if someone is sucking regulations out of their thumb and implementing rubbish, quite frankly”, News24 quoted her as saying.

“In the face of a young population, we refuse to let people out. We make them exercise for three hours a day and then complain that there’s congestion in this time. We punish children and kick them out of school and we deny them education. For what? Where is the scientific evidence for that?”

Under level four, people are allowed to exercise between 06h00 and 09h00 and only pupils in grades 7 and 12 will be allowed back in the classroom.

Gray cited a number of factors, including malnutrition cases now being reported in hospitals, in the wake of the lockdown.

“We are seeing children with malnutrition for the first time (at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). We have not seen malnutrition for decades and so we are seeing it for the first time in the hospital”

Gray’s concerns should have been raised with the department

The department has taken issue with Gray’s utterances and said such concerns should have been raised directly as opposed to in a media interview.

Pillay also said they had subsequently received information on Gray’s conduct at the MRC and “other matters” over which he said details would be shared at a later stage.

“I therefore recommend that the Board investigates the conduct the President on this matter given the harm it has caused to South Africa”

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