Health and Safety: Government organisations blasted for non-compliance

Half of all government organisations investigated by the Department of Employment and Labour’s Inspection and Enforcement Service (IES) have been found to be non-compliant with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA).

As South African businesses slowly return to work under Level 4 lockdown, health and safety concerns amid the rampant COVID-19 outbreak remain paramount. Regulations issued by the Department of Employment and Labour, which have been ratified within the Disaster Management Act by the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), call for extreme precautionary measures.

Workplaces under the microscope

Regular screenings, daily sanitisation sweeps, the compulsory use of face masks and office planning which enforces social distancing are all part of the back-to-work deal.

To ensure compliance with the stringent regulations, government has conducted thousands of site inspections since 30 April. Much to the dismay of the Department of Employment and Labour, levels of compliance, especially amongst government organisations, has been dismal.

Inspector General Aggy Moiloa revealed that 2789 workplaces had been subject to inspection under Level 4 lockdown; 44% of which were found to be in contravention of the OHSA. These businesses were issued with Contravention Notices, Improvement Notices and Prohibition Notices.

Government’s ‘dirty little secret’

While inspections focused primarily on the private sector, IES visits to governmental organisations uncovered a more serious level of misconduct. A total of 411 inspections were conducted at government institutions and state owned enterprises. Worryingly, the rate of compliance was recorded at 50%; meaning that, from studies undertaken, government organisations presented a higher rate of non-compliance.

Moiloa noted, with great concern, companies’ refusal to abide by the regulations under the Health and Safety Act. The Inspector General said:

“Given the fact that the virus is spreading substantially, it is of great concern especially at those employers where there are long queues or people congregating.  This is especially prevalent at government related workplaces.

We are shocked that many organisations are still struggling to comply with the OHS Act. It should be every organisation’s habit. No wonder we still have so many workplace accidents. Progressive organisations invest in the wellness of their employees”

In an effort to ensure greater compliance, the Department of Employment and Labour has vowed to intensify its inspection programme. The department added that because lighter lockdown levels would signal a return to work for most employees, the IES’ operational mandate would be expanded and strengthened in the weeks and months to come.

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