Cigarette ban: Prices up by 90% as smokers get their hands dirty for a fix

Smokers are paying an average of 90% more for cigarettes, purchasing them from illegally, smoking whatever brand they can get their hands on and complaining about mental health problems. 

That’s according to a recent research report published by the University of Cape Town (UCT), which also found that the cigarette ban was just the push many smokers needed to quit.

The survey was conducted between 29 April and 11 May 2020 and was completed by more than 16 000 respondents.

The research points to an overwhelming failure of the ban to prevent smokers from buying cigarettes, with none of the money spent ending up in the legitimate economy, which has surrendered around R400 million on cigarettes in terms of lost revenue.

Cost increases daily

With cigarettes being sold through illegal trading mechanisms, there has been no oversight or regulation over price increases, which are bringing smokers to their knees. 

The average price of cigarettes reported by respondents increased by 90% from the pre-lockdown period.

Researchers found that the exorbitant prices being charged (and paid) are still climbing, with an average increase of 4.4% per day over the 13 days of the survey.

The wealthy are paying far more than they usually do, with poorer communities seeing less of an increase. 

Professor Corné van Walbeek, the director of the Research Unit on Economics of Excisable Products at UCT said that this data added credibility to the survey.

“One would expect this, as rich people have more money to pay the higher prices. It gives us confidence in the quality of the responses and in the modelling, because the model is confirming what we know from economics.”

He added that in rural areas, the prices were considerably higher. 

“It seems that the informal and illicit distribution networks are more established in the metropolitan areas, and that the competition between these informal and illicit traders is tempering the price increases.”

Where are people buying cigarettes?

The distribution networks though which smokers are able to procure smokes has changed over the course of the lockdown, with formal retailers seeing their command of the market dip from 56% to a paltry 3%. 

Instead of supermarkets and garages, smokers are now heading to a variety of underground sources for their fix, including street vendors, where market control has risen from 3% before the lockdown to 26% during the lockdown, and house shops where it has risen from 4% to 18%.

A smaller percentage (4%) of people admitted to buying cigarettes through ‘drug dealers’, ‘cigarette smugglers’, or ‘black market traders’, not that the majority of those who had would be particularly keen to engage in an online data collection survey, 

In line with the proliferation of street vendors, the percentage of people purchasing single cigarettes has more than tripled during the lockdown period. 

This manner of sale will be particularly concerning to health officials, with this leading to a higher rate of movement, and the sharing of cigarettes between two or more people – not to mention what happens “when people zol”. 

Brand loyalty out the window

Smokers are also less likely to be buying their first choice in terms of brands. 

Prior to the lockdown, British American Tobacco (BAT) donated the lion share of the market with more than 60% market control. These days, it’s Gold Leaf Tobacco who are enjoying the most sales. 

The survey results show that before the lockdown, 81% of smokers smoked brands produced by the multinational companies (MNCs), while 19% of smokers consumed brands produced by local or regional manufacturers. During the lockdown, 63% of smokers reported smoking brands by local producers, while 37% of smokers reported smoking brands produced by the MNCs. 

Mental health troubles

So what does all of this lead to, aside from the haemorrhaging of tax revenue and the criminality that has quickly emerged in a once (for the most part) civil smoking community? Well, many of the survey’s respondents have complained of a decline in their mental health. 

“The overwhelming response was one of anger,” said Sam Filby, another researcher on the project. 

“Respondents were unable to understand the economic or health rationale for the sales ban. While most of the respondents acknowledged that smoking is bad for their health, they felt that the sudden imposition of the sales ban, without any cessation support, caused mental health problems because they were unable to smoke.”

Many have quit altogether 

On a positive, many have quit altogether.

About 41% of respondents indicated that they had tried to quit during the lockdown period, and 39% of these were successful, with most of those who quite having tried to do so in the past.  

Most of the people that quit during the lockdown had tried quitting previously. It seems that, at least for them, the ban on cigarette sales has been very effective.

Before the ban was imposed, the average smoker consumed 10 cigarettes per day. In the first two weeks of the lockdown, average consumption increased to 11 cigarettes, but after President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the two-week extension to the lockdown on 9 April, average consumption decreased to nine cigarettes per day. 

Also, 12% of respondents that had quit smoking successfully indicated that they will start smoking when they can buy cigarettes again.

Overall – ban a flop 

Van Walbeek concluded that based on the research, the ban on cigarette sales is failing in what it was supposed to do.

“While the original intention of the ban was to support public health, the reality right now is that the disadvantages of the ban greatly outweigh the advantages.”

“People are buying cigarettes in large quantities, despite the lockdown. While one should not exaggerate the revenue potential of excise taxes on tobacco products, since it contributes only 1% of total government revenue, it is foolish to not collect that revenue.” 

“The current sales ban is feeding an illicit market that will be increasingly difficult to eradicate, even when the lockdown and the COVID-19 crisis is over. It was an error to continue with the cigarette sales ban into Level 4 lockdown. The government should lift the ban on cigarette sales as soon as possible.”

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