Watch: Victoria Falls stages epic recovery, drenched by floodwaters

Drought, what drought? The Victoria Falls – which triumphantly straddles the borders of Zimbabwe and Zambia – have come roaring back to life in 2020, after an unforgiving summer threatened to leave the attraction high and dry. Footage captured this week shows the falls at their magnificent best.

Victoria Falls fights against drought – and wins

The Victoria Falls water levels were 11 centimetres below the ten year average as of October 2019 – just a few centimetres higher than the lowest level recorded in 1995. Standing at 355 feet high, the impressive landmark draws thousands of tourists each year and generates much-needed business to the area.

BEFORE: The UNESCO world heritage site had recorded the lowest levels in recent times due to a severe drought in Zimbabwe – 13 November, 2019, Photo by ZINYANGE AUNTONY / AFP

But the regional drought saw certain sections of the famous falls dry-up over the summer. Facing a catastrophe, recent flooding in Zambia had an inadvertently positive affect on the iconic feature – water has now gushed towards the jewel in Africa’s crown, causing beautiful scenes like these:

Watch water flowing over Victoria Falls here:

Superb improvements across the board

The Zambezi River Authority have released a statement this week, explaining the epic improvements seen by Victoria Falls. The levels haven’t just got back on track, but they’re now way above the seasonal average:

“The Zambezi River flows monitored at Victoria Falls rose from 349 m3/s at the start of January 2020 to 3,890 m3/s recorded on March 27 2020. Last year on the same date the recorded flow was 800 m3/s. The flows are now 54% above the recorded long-term average flow of 2,522 m3/s for this station.”

Zambezi River Authority

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