Philanthropist Peet Viljoen personally creating jobs During SA Lockdown

Well-known philanthropist and businessman in the beauty industry, Peet Viljoen, is playing his part in helping stem some of the job losses and economic uncertainty during South Africa’s government-enforced lockdown. The lockdown aims to “flatten the curve” in the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in South Africa, and avoid a crippling influx of patients into already-constrained healthcare services.

Peet has commissioned the local manufacture of thousands of fabric masks and 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, for both retail and donation purposes during this time. 

“Our retail sales operation accomplishes two goals,” explains Peet. “Firstly, it makes face masks and hand sanitizer available to the public during lockdown, with the added benefit of home delivery. Secondly, it allows us to continue to donate thousands of face masks and hand sanitizers to those in need, who either don’t have access to such items, or are unable to afford them, or both.”

“Employing additional people at our textile factory to produce masks on a daily basis for retail and free distribution means that these people have an income in a time where they would have had none,” explains Peet. “These people are not only helping others through the products they are making, but are taking home much-needed earnings to their families and communities. The hand sanitizer that we have commissioned is also made locally, helping keep local businesses operating during lockdown.”

Not only are the face masks that produced both reversible and washable, but they can be disinfected, making them reusable. The outer layer features moisture-wicking fabric that does not trap moisture, and offers exceptional breathability. It is water-resistant and tear-resistant, and any branding applied to the fabric will not fade. It features 500-thread cotton twill on the inner layer, making it comfortable as well as durable. 

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the USA has recommended wearing cloth face coverings in public settings, especially where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. South Africa’s national Department of Health is now also recommending that the public wear cloth face masks, regardless of whether people are ill or not, especially if moving around in public. 

“It is important to remember that wearing a mask does not make you invulnerable, and that the basic rules of good hygiene and social distancing still need to be followed,” explains Peet. “Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water; do not touch your face with unwashed hands; cough or sneeze into a tissue or the corner of your arm, and safely throw away the tissue; keep a distance of 1 to 2 metres from others, and if you suspect you are infected with the coronavirus, contact your healthcare professional and self-isolate.”

Peet says that it is also important for people to leave surgical and medical-grade face masks for medical professionals. “They are facing critical shortages of items such as N95 masks, not just in South Africa, but globally,” he says. “The Department of Health has advised that cloth masks are advised for use by the public, and if used correctly, can provide sufficient protection. A fabric mask will reduce the transmission of droplets from any person coughing or sneezing, especially if the fabric is water resistant. It will also reduce the risk of inhaling droplets from others, especially in overcrowded areas.”

Wearing a mask also helps create awareness around COVID-19. “Many people are still not aware of the dangers of this virus, and how it is transmitted,” explains Peet. “They are also not always aware of how to protect themselves. Seeing others wearing face masks can help spread awareness that protecting yourself can be a simple matter.”

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