#lockdownlife: Tell us how the COVID-19 outbreak has affected your life

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the globe, the fallout is far-reaching. In addition to the strain on healthcare systems — as a result of thousands of infections and deaths – financial implications resulting from lockdowns and travel bans pose serious socioeconomic questions.

We want to hear from you — the global citizen — how the COVID-19 outbreak has impacted your life.

As a business owner or entrepreneur, how has the virus and subsequent lockdown affected your enterprise? As a working-class citizen, are you still able to make ends meet during these times of fierce uncertainty? How will your country look once it eventually emerges out of lockdown?

Since most of us — excluding ‘essential workers’ — are holed-up in self-isolation as a means of flattening the curve, how are you handling life under lockdown?

Sharing your #lockdownlife story

We’re calling on citizens — from South Africa, Africa and the world — to share their experiences with us and our audience.

Tell us your story by completing the form below.

Note: To stand a better chance of having your submission published, please ensure that your story contains more than 200 words.

Share your #lockdownlife

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      You can upload jpg, jpeg, png, mov, wmv, mpg, mp2 and mp4 files.

    Disclaimer: By completing the form you grant TheSouthAfrican.com full and exclusive rights to publish any content submitted via the form.

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