Level 4 of lockdown: Politicians pushing for the return of takeaways

Whenever a president addresses the nation, sometimes what they *don’t* say gets as much scrutiny as the things they’re announcing. That has proved to be the case this week: Cyril Ramaphosa may have published South Africa’s five-level lockdown exit strategy, but his political opponents have some questions.

What changes with Level 4 of lockdown?

We know that, as of next Friday, lockdown restrictions loosen just a little bit: South Africans will be allowed to go for exercise once a day, and they can buy ciggies from the store. These are the main headlines, and further details about Level 4 itself have been sparse. We have been told a number of departmental ministers will explain how their industries will handle the changes individually next week.

But this has created a vacuum of speculation, which is being filled by suggestions from various political parties. It seems many of the major representatives across the Parliamentary divide are unified in what they want to see change next Friday – they want takeaway and food delivery services to return.

Politicians lobby for takeaway and food delivery services to return

  • FF Plus leader Pieter Groenwald has championed the reopening of fast-food chains:

“The detail regarding what exactly will determine which business sectors will be allowed to operate and which regulations will be lifted in Level 4 remains to be seen. It remains of the utmost importance for the FF Plus that smaller enterprises are granted the opportunity to start operating as soon as possible.”

“The FF Plus wants to see e-commerce and enterprises providing stationery and other forms of trade where goods can be transported by couriers be allowed to open under lockdown level four. The delivery of food from restaurants and fast-food enterprises must also be allowed.”

Pieter Groenewald
  • John Steenhuisen, leader of the DA, is banging the drum for takeaway home delivery:

“All stores selling essential items should be permitted to sell all items in their stores, including electronics, stationery, books, beauty products and cigarettes at Level 4. Non-essential stores should open immediately for delivery orders only. Restaurants and fast food outlets should be able to open their kitchens for home delivery.”

“What is also urgently required, if we are to see an additional 73,000 SANDF members to be deployed on our streets, is a body of Parliamentary oversight to guard against overreach and abuse of power. We urge the Speaker of Parliament to immediately agree to our request for the formation of an ad-hoc committee.”

John Steenhuisen
  • The issue of cooked foods has also proved contentious, and was referenced by the EFF’s Dali Mpofu on Thursday.

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