SAPS faces more than R290m in claims for unlawful behaviour

As it stands, there are more than R290 million in claims against the South African Police Service (SAPS) for unlawful behaviour.

According to DSC Attorneys director Chris Smit, there has been a substantial increase in the number of claims arising from wrongful police action.

In 2017, Parliament had expressed concern over the increased number of claims against the police nationally, totalling R14.6 billion, of which R290 million was paid out. Most of the cases involved illegal arrest, unlawful detention and shootings.

Sometimes these incidents are often accompanied by physical or psychological harm. He cites the 2018 example whereby the Eastern Cape High Court, in Mthatha, ordered the minister of police to pay R560 000 in damages for the unlawful arrest and subsequent unlawful detention of a Grade 8 boy.

“More recently, there are currently 939 summons issued against the SAPS amounting to R294.4 million in claims relating to assaults, rapes, unlawful detentions and other damages,” said Smit. 

Here’s what constitutes a valid claim against SAPS

Smit said that claims against the SAPS fall mainly into two groups, namely:

  • Unlawful arrest and unlawful detention; and
  • Assault, often in the process of arrest and or whilst a suspect is held in custody.

The following incidents can be grounds for a claim against the police:

  • Injury or death while in custody, or as a result of police actions;
  • Loss of income due to unlawful arrest and/or detention;
  • Loss of support, if a breadwinner dies as a result of a police incident;
  •  Assault or rape by an officer (on or off duty) or while in custody;
  • Torture or assault by police or assault while in custody;
  • The discharge of a firearm — police may use a firearm if no other means to prevent escape, or in self-defence;
  • Unreasonable loss of freedom;
  • Medical costs for physical, emotional or psychological harm as a result of unreasonable police actions;
  • Arrest without justifiable cause;
  • Malicious prosecution; and
  • Impairment of dignity.

Smit noted that the SAPS may arrest citizens without a warrant if they witness a crime or have reasonable suspicion that an individual is guilty of a Schedule 1 offence, such as rape, robbery or arson.

What to do if you’re arrested by the police

Smit advised:

  • Do not resist arrest, even if you are innocent of any wrongdoing. The SAPS are authorised to use “reasonable force” in order to arrest a suspect who resists;
  • Do not act aggressively towards the police; and
  • Do not attempt to flee or pay a bribe.

He said that these actions could put one at risk. 

“They could also negatively affect your chances of winning a subsequent claim against the police,” Smit added. 

Procedure for lodging a complaint against SAPS

Smit pointed out that the claim process should begin as soon as possible after a police incident. So contacting a suitably qualified attorney as soon as you can is a must. 

It must be pointed out that not all arrests that end up in an acquittal or withdrawal of the case, constitute unlawful acts by the SAPS.

“Because a police claim is a type of claim against the state, specific rules and time limits apply,” he explained. 

“Your attorney will need to notify the Minister of Police of your intent to pursue a personal injury claim. Typically, must be given within six months of the incident pursuant to Act 40 of 2002 of intended legal proceedings.”

“If the six-month limit has lapsed, it may still be possible to proceed with a claim. “The courts may grant condonation — special permission — to proceed if there are good reasons for failing to comply with the provisions,” Smit said. 

A prescription period, typically of three years, applies. 

“In other words, a claim against the police must be submitted within three years of the incident, or it will lapse,” he said.

What information do you need to lodge a claim?

The more information and details you have about the incident, the better your chances of being successful in your claim. According to Smit this includes:

  • The name(s) of the offending officer(s);
  •  The names and contact details of witnesses to the incident;
  • Reports from medical professionals;
  • Receipts for medical costs or other costs related to the incident; and
  • Photographs of any visible injuries or footage of the incident.

Claims against the SAPS, are subject to unique requirements and complexities and require particular expertise. Smit advised that claimants seek a firm that specialises in personal injury law that has extensive experience in handling police violence claims and claims arising due to unlawful arrest and/or detention.

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