Need a break? Then have a hearty weekend escape in Hartebeespoort

It’s a warm and hazy morning on the mountain. The cableway hums in the background and a wisp of cloud drifts by as distant boats bob at anchor. 

Table Mountain perhaps? Not quite. This is Hartebeespoort – “Harties” to many – the growing resort town that lies on the slopes of the Magaliesberg Mountains and banks of Hartebeespoort Dam. 

It doesn’t so much nestle on the dam’s banks as sprawl along its 56km shoreline in a ribbon of development that includes tourist activities, game lodges, restaurants, shops, residential estates and light industry. 

The dam wall is architecturally impressive and also affords good views of the sluice gates. Photo: Jeanette Simpson of OlivePink Photography

The centre of the weekend playground is the famous dam

The epicentre of the playground is, of course, the dam.

“People are attracted to water and, given that Hartebeespoort Dam is situated so scenically within the mountains, it’s a natural drawcard,” says Iain Gunn of the Hartebeespoort Tourism Association.

“We have powerboating, water-skiing, jet-skiing, canoeing and, of course, the big tourist boats.” 

But what of the dam’s well-documented battle with water hyacinth, the highly invasive aquatic weed that can sometimes cover 30% or more of its surface area?

Much work has been done on alleviating the problem and according to Professor Julie Coetzee from the Centre for Biological Control at Rhodes University, tiny insects are helping to control the hyacinth, which is now down to 10% of the dam’s surface area.

But Hartebeespoort is about more than just the dam

One of the top attractions is the Harties Cableway, which carries an average of 12 500 visitors a month, says Gunn. A total of 1 200m long, it rises 637m in height to a peak in the Magaliesberg that offers spectacular all-round views. 

The Hartebeespoort Aerial Cableway was originally built in 1972, fell into disrepair and was reopened in 2012. It provides spectacular views of the Magaliesberg and surrounds. Photo: Jeanette Simpson of OlivePink Photography

The ride to the top takes seven minutes and, once there, you can enjoy excellent amenities, such as restaurants, express food stalls, a bar and picturesque seating areas. It’s a top-class facility.

The trails in these mountains make them a haven for hikers and mountain bikers, who have the added bonus of enjoying their hobby in a Unesco-declared biosphere reserve – one of only eight in the country.

The mountains of the Magaliesberg Biosphere are among the oldest in the world and, at an age of around 2 650 million years, are 10 times older than the African continent itself.

Why not have an ellie adventure while visiting Harties?

Awe-inspiring nature of another kind can be seen at Glen Afric Country Lodge, which huddles in dense bush as the towers of the nuclear research centre at Pelindaba loom incongruously in the background.

The upmarket lodge attracts both local and international visitors looking for a wildlife experience that includes giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, lions, leopards and hyena. 

The star attractions, though, are a 30-year-old female elephant named Three and her biological and adopted daughters, Hannah and Marty. The trio range freely around the property, but a ranger will take you to meet them.

Up close and personal with the elephant named Three at Glen Afric Country Lodge. Photo: Jeanette Simpson of OlivePink Photography

Not far down the road from the lodge, you’ll find the Ama Zwing Zwing zipline tour. With the Magaliesberg Mountains forming an ever-present backdrop, you ride along seven ziplines ranging in height from 2m to 14m. 

In Harties you can even visit Paris on the cheap

Enjoy the replica Eiffel Tower and Pont des Arts – the famous Parisian ‘bridge of love locks’ – at French Toast. Photo: Jeanette Simpson of OlivePink Photography

Are the falling rand and the coronavirus preventing you from visiting Paris? Then make a stop at French Toast, a “coffee cafĂ©” which, among other things, boasts its own replica Eiffel Tower and Pont des Arts – the famous Parisian “bridge of love locks”. 

On weekends, it’s always packed with customers and owner Paul Kruger explains that the venue was used as a film set for the South African-made movie French Toast, which was released in 2014.

“We opened around six months before the movie was released, as part of a marketing strategy to promote the film,” Paul says. “Of course, the movie also helped to advertise the restaurant.” 

Is French toast on the menu?

“Absolutely,” he laughs. “The menu concept is based on it. We do French toast sticks, cheese grillers in French toast, our fillet steak comes with French toast …”.

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