‘As a society, we are failing our children,’ says Ramaphosa

Ramaphosa said in his weekly ” From the desk of the President” released on Monday 27 January, that South Africa has failed its children following several reports of tragic deaths in recent months. 

Ramaphosa started by referring to the devastating death of 13-year-old Enoch Mpianzi on a school camp on Wednesday 15 January. 

“There is a proverb common to many African cultures which says that it takes a village to raise a child. This idea – that the broader community has a responsibility for the development, well-being and safety of each child – comes to mind when I think about the tragic and deeply upsetting death of 13-year-old Enock Mpianzi on a school camp just over a week ago,” said Ramaphosa. 

Ramaphosa remembers children who lost their lives 

Ramaphosa said the death of many children in recent weeks could have been prevented and that adults should be exercising due care and responsibility.  

“Sadly, Enock is not the only child in recent weeks to lose his life for reasons that were entirely preventable, if only adults had exercised due care and responsibility. One thinks of another 13-year-old, Keamohetswe Shaun Seboko, who recently drowned in the swimming pool of a Magaliesburg primary school, and the two children who died at the Lekgolo Primary School in Limpopo when a truck crashed into a wall that collapsed on them,” said Ramaphosa. 

“One thinks also about the many children, like 6-year-old Nathlia Pienaar, who are killed in the crossfire of gang wars on the Cape Flats. We remember also the tragic deaths of Michael Komape and Lumka Mkethwa, both of whom died after falling into pit latrines,” he added. 

Ramaphosa said the tragedies could have been prevented if measures had been taken to keep the children out of harm’s way.

“It seems to me that, as a society, we are failing our children,” said Ramaphosa.

‘We need to be more diligent,’ says Ramaphosa  

Ramaphosa said that when contractors leave excavations unprotected or school infrastructure is not maintained or school transport is overcrowded, the lives of children are put at risk.

“But there is more than negligence and neglect at work. Many children are targeted by sexual predators, criminal gangs and drug sellers precisely because they are vulnerable. As a society, we need to be more diligent and more active in protecting our children from these and other dangers. As a society, we need to build a culture of responsibility,” he said. 

“We must feel this duty of care on the road. While we welcome the drop in road fatalities over this festive season, the grim reality is that over 1 600 people died on our roads in just a month and a half. It is disturbing that over 9 000 motorists were arrested for offences including drunk driving, speeding, and reckless and negligent driving,” he added. 

Elected officials must ensure safety of citizens 

Elected officials and public servants are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens. Ramaphosa says they must ensure that there is adequate and safe infrastructure in schools. 

“They must act quickly when there is an interruption to water supply in a community or when faulty streetlights are reported. They must ensure that health and safety regulations are enforced and that the rule of law is maintained,” he said. 

“In response to the deaths and injury caused by children falling into pit latrines, we launched the SAFE initiative to accelerate the provision of appropriate toilets to all schools in the country. We deployed the South African National Defence Force to parts of Cape Town to support the police in their efforts to reduce gang violence. More recently, we have, together with civil society, embarked on an emergency response plan to end violence against women and children,” added Ramaphosa. 

Organisations working to ensure public well-being 

Ramaphosa said he applauds those individuals and organisations that have taken upon themselves responsibility for the well-being of others. 

“There are people like Ralph Bouwers and Mark Nicholson, who organise recreation activities for young people in Lavender Hill in Cape Town to keep them from turning to gangsterism. There are the mothers, sisters and daughters who work as student volunteers with Operation Bobbi Bear, an organisation in Amanzimtoti in KwaZulu-Natal that offers shelter to young children who have been abused,” said Ramaphosa. 

“There are many faith-based groups like the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference, who I met last week, who told me about the work they are doing to respond to the needs of the poor, to support families to be more caring and nurturing and to assist young people in confronting the many challenges before them,” he added. 

Ramaphosa said these South Africans are showing us the way and through their example, reminding us of what it means to take responsibility for ourselves and for others.

“This country has witnessed far too many tragedies. Too many young lives have been lost, too many children hurt and traumatised. We can bring these tragedies to an end if we all, each one of us, take responsibility for raising the children in our great South African village,” added Ramaphosa. 

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