Boycott eNCA: EFF leads political reaction to alleged censorship

Samkele Maseko’s dramatic exit from eNCA has tainted the reputation of the television news broadcaster and political leaders, particularly the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), have weighed in on the allegations of censorship levelled against the channel’s Head of News, Kanthan Pillay.

Samkele Maseko accuses eNCA of censorship

On Wednesday, Maseko, a revered no-nonsense journalist, took to Twitter to announce his departure from the broadcaster. He apologised to his colleagues for not being able to say goodbye the way he wished, chalking it up to this being “the nature of such things”.

However, Pillay’s tweet (which has since been deleted) calling all eNCA staff members, who have left the organisation to join a competitor, rats unhinged Maseko’s true feelings about the nature of his departure.

Maseko accused Pillay of using authoritative rule to dictate what was to be broadcast and what wasn’t. He went as far as alleging that eNCA’s withdrawal from covering the EFF’s Second National People’s Assembly was a vindictive call made by Pillay “to settle political scores”.

This is how political leaders reacted

The rant from Maseko received support from his fellow colleagues, political leaders and the general public. One by one, people who previously worked under Pillay came forward with stories about how their exits were similar to that of Maseko’s.

Political leaders have since led the calls to boycott eNCA, with the EFF leading from the frontlines. In a statement, the party condemned the broadcaster “for its racist treatment of African journalists”.

“We also have reliable information that eNCA placed Khayelihle Khumalo under suspension for tweeting about the EFF Second National People’s Assembly from his personal account.

“It is a fact that eNCA was always looking for a way to avoid covering the EFF Second NPA. This is because from day one, when all other broadcasters built sets onsite, eNCA never built a set or brought any technical equipment signifying their full commitment to cover the EFF Second NPA,” the EFF wrote.

The party’s national spokesperson, Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, called on the South African National Editors Forum (Sanef) to issue a statement on the controversies faced by the news channel.

Mayor of Ekurhuleni and ANC cadre, Mzwandile Masina, expressed his shock with how the news channel “does not uphold basic conditions of employment”.

EFF leaders, Julius Malema and Floyd Shivambu, participated in the #eNCAMustFall trend and blocked the channel on social media.

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