Human Rights Commission slams ‘neglect’ by municipalities

The South African Human Rights Commission has hit out strongly at the state of local government in the country, accusing local authorities of “neglect”, paying “insufficient attention” and “endemic poor performance”.

In a statement, the Commission warns that municipalities have a particularly important role to play in preventing contagion and the spread of COVID-19.

“The importance of the sphere of local government is now more pronounced than ever before given the pandemic, which is not only exacerbating vulnerabilities, but is also creating new ones,” it says.

Comments in wake of shocking Auditor-General report

The SAHRC’s comments come in the wake of the report by the Auditor-General, Mr Kimi Makwetu, which was released on 1 July and found that only 20 out of 257 municipalities obtained a clean audit.

Makwetu said that fruitless and wasteful expenditure accounted for over R2,07-billion, unauthorised expenditure for R11,98-billion and R32,06-billion was spent irregularly.

This marked an increase of R6,86-billion from the previous financial year.

South Africans are being let down by their local authorities

“Most, if not all, service delivery that the government must achieve to realise the respect, protection, promotion and fulfilment of the rights in the Bill of Rights, takes place at local government level,” the Commission said.

“It is therefore extremely regretted that the rights holders are being let down by this very level of government.”

The statement continued: “That there is an increase in irregular expenditure needs clarification as it seems that the protestations of the Auditor-General, combined with threats from government to hold people to account, have had no effect on this sickly situation.”

Insufficient attention paid to water and sanitation

According to the SAHRC, it has repeatedly expressed its concern regarding the endemic poor performance by municipalities.

It said it noted with concern that insufficient attention is being paid to water and sanitation infrastructure by municipalities.

“This neglect explains why most waste water treatment plants are in such a mess and on the verge of collapse across the country, which poses a significant danger to the right to a healthy environment and to the health and wellbeing of communities, particularly at a time when clean water is crucial in preventing contagion and the spread of COVID-19.”

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