Watch: ‘Hospitals need vibrators’ – Jackson Mthembu apologises for gaffe

We get it. This has been a tough and turbulent time for our government ministers, who are working around the clock to ensure that lockdown laws are upheld and the effects of the global health crisis on South Africa are mitigated. But Jackson Mthembu “brought pleasure” to Mzansi with an on-air gaffe this Sunday.

Watch Jackson Mthembu call for “vibrators” here:

The minister was addressing the need for more personal protective equipment (PPE) in hospitals. He also wanted to tell us about the use of ventilators in intensive care units. But he got his V-words mixed up:

Minister apologises for “ventilators” gaffe

File this one under “memorable”, please. Mthembu has been roundly ridiculed for his slip of the tongue. Viral videos of his address have been doing the rounds on social media. Unfortunately, when you make a cock-up that’s this funny, you have to take your medicine and accept all the light-hearted ribbing that comes your way.

In all fairness, Jackson Mthembu has fronted up to his hilarious mistake and issued an apology on the matter. But there really is no need. This is the moment of comic relief we all need during lockdown, and you can’t put a price on a good chuckle. But we’re left wondering… did the Cabinet member have something else on his mind?

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