Stay healthy during lockdown with this good-food eating guide
Although it is common sense to eat healthily, you may find that during lockdown you are drawn to foods that are convenient and not necessarily nourishing. To stay healthy during these times, rather follow this guide to eating foods that are good for you.
All fruit has natural sugar in the form of fructose and provides plenty of antioxidants which are good for overall health and fighting free radicals. Bananas are high in fibre and aid digestion. Strawberries and berries are some of the best fruits to eat for skin health.
Yoghurts often contain probiotic yoghurt cultures which aid gut health. Yoghurts are a healthy snack you can eat throughout the day and you can combine them with low-GI muesli to add flavour and crunch to this healthy snack.
Nuts like almonds and cashew nuts provide us with healthy fats. If you are a peanut butter addict, go for the unsalted and no sugar added peanut butter.
Beans, lentils and peas are some of the healthiest most natural foods one can eat. You can even make a lentil and pea soup in the winter months — delicious and nutritious.
Salmon contains omega 9 fat which is another good source of fat. Salmon can be combined with avocado and health bread or rye bread for a delicious and healthy meal.
Oats are a satiating morning porridge full of energy but without cholesterol and sodium. Oats are a good way to get your morning started for energy throughout the day.
Maltabella porridge
Maltabella is a sorgum porridge which is also satiating and will give you energy for your day.
Beetroot is another superfood full of antioxidants. You can enjoy this tasty vegetable by itself or as a side dish.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is full of good fats and antioxidants. Just make sure you look for the 90-percent cocoa and no sugar added range. You can have this healthy snack before bed if you have a sweet tooth.
Green tea
Green tea boosts the metabolism and is an antioxidant. Drink green tea daily to give your body the antioxidants that it needs.
This content has been created as part of our freelancer relief programme. We are supporting journalists and freelance writers impacted by the economic slowdown caused by #lockdownlife.
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