Local is lekker: Support local businesses this Freedom Day

Everyone is struggling, and it is likely only going to get worse. If you are in the position to help, here are some small ways you can help make a big difference with local businesses.

Leave a positive review

If you have bought a product, received a form of service and were satisfied with the outcome then you could leave a good rating on either the business’ Facebook page or on their website.

Leaving a positive message on a businesses review section will be seen by all the customers that go on the site. Oftentimes, consumers make their decision to purchase a product or service based on past consumer’s experience, so a review goes a long way.

Become a brand ambassador

Although you won’t necessarily get paid like a Kardashian to promote a product, you would still be helping the brand to reach a larger audience. Take a photo of your new purchase and share it with your friends on your various social media platforms. Share a story of how the service or product has positively impacted your life. If people see your posts and the fact that you have tried and tested the product or service, they will learn to trust the brand even more.

Another seemingly small thing which you can do to support a local business during this time is sign up for their newsletter. You can also follow the business online by sharing and commenting on their posts on your social media. Additionally, you could invite your friend who you think would be interested in the brand to also follow the page.

Spend your money

There are also a few ways where you can spend money during lockdown to keep these local businesses open. Many beauty stores and restaurants are allowing customers to pre-purchase meals and beauty services at a discounted rate on their various websites and social media pages. The national government has also provided many relief schemes for SMEs, unfortunately not every business will be able to benefit from this, though.

SaveYourLocal initiative

With the many businesses only being able to open during phase two of lockdown, companies will be looking at ways to keep their business operational. SaveYourLocal is a non-profit company that was created to connect local customers to local businesses.

The company allows small businesses to “sell vouchers” of their services online hoping that the public will purchase a voucher which they can then redeem after lock down. The vouchers are sold through a third party voucher-issuing website and vouchers can be redeemed up to three years from the date of purchase.

You can make a contribution here: www.saveyourlocal.co.za

Small businesses don’t always have the budget for marketing, so you could make a difference and could help to keep them open through the use of your social media platforms.

This content has been created as part of our freelancer relief programme. We are supporting journalists and freelance writers impacted by the economic slowdown caused by #lockdownlife.

If you are a freelancer looking to contribute to The South African, read more here.

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