Eskom is so broken, even their load shedding schedule isn’t working

Eskom have found another, more metaphorical way to keep us all in the dark again. Pulling the plug on our electricity supply is one thing, but not being able to tell us when the lights are going down is comically inept – their load shedding schedules remain unavailable to view on Wednesday.

Sheepishly, the power utility took to their Twitter account to inform South Africans of a glitch in their systems. Their IT services have gone down – meaning that energy consumers are currently unable to use the official website which provides the load shedding schedules. Trying to get onto Eskom’s home page remains a futile task, as of 11:20 on Wednesday.

Eskom’s load shedding schedule also blacks-out

The firm have always prided themselves on open and clear communication. But with tens of millions of citizens now unaware of how to properly prepare for power outages, it’s another failure from our most problematic SOE. Here’s the brief statement they released on the matter earlier in the day:

“We are currently loadshedding in Stage 4. We regret that Eskom’s systems are currently down and customers are unable to access schedules. Our IT dept is working on the problem and we hope to be back online as soon as possible. We apologise for this inconvenience.”

Eskom statement

Alternative ways to check the schedule

For those of you unable to get access to the updated load shedding schedule, we can confirm that Stage 4 is in place until 23:00 this evening. It’s likely that the cuts will be reduced to Stage 2 overnight, and the resumption of Stage 4 is likely to begin again on Thursday morning. However, there is an alternative to Eskom’s website.

By downloading the Eskom Se Push app (great name), you can still receive up-to-date information about your suburb, what stage of load shedding is due, and when it will take place. They remain unaffected by the chaos.

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