He’s done a “Motsepe”: Kevin Pietersen blasted for comments on Trump

Former international cricketer and KZN-born Kevin Pietersen has encountered something of a social media backlash on Wednesday, after he Tweeted his criticism of people who were unsupportive of Boris Johnson and Donald Trump. Although he stopped short of officially endorsing the pair, he did ask voters of the UK and the US to show ‘more respect’ to their leaders.

Kevin Pietersen stirs the pot once more

Because, let’s be honest, if anyone knows a thing or two about not challenging the leadership and keeping opinions to themselves, it’s KP, right? The irony certainly hasn’t been lost on Twitter users, who have used his divisive playing career to mock his political stance:

What did Kevin Pietersen say about Donald Trump?

This former England batsman of South African descent put his rant into two Tweets. He even used caps lock in places, just to really hammer his point home:

“Getting sick and tired of the cry babies who in [sic] a daily basis are hammering Boris Johnson… HE IS YOUR PRIME MINISTER! So please keep it zipped? Exactly the same as the clowns in the US who daily hammer [sic] Trump! It’s boring! Election happened and they won. Go spend your energy being positive about something else instead of polluting Twitter with your SHITE!”

Kevin Pietersen

KP backs BoJo, stands down on Trump

He’s the second high-profile South African to encounter the wrath of the online community for comments made about Donald Trump. Billionaire businessman Patrice Motsepe told The Donald that “Africa loves him” at a Davos Summit, only to met by a barrage of protesting voices which very much claimed the opposite. Even the ANC issued a rebuke, saying Trump “is not South Africa’s friend”.

Motsepe shared an apology over the matter on Tuesday. However, it’s unlikely Kevin Pietersen will follow suit. He’s actually worked with Boris Johnson in a personal capacity before, as the pair teamed up for a rhino conservation project. Much like the beloved wild animal, Kev is going to need thick skin to get through this one. He’s already issued a follow-up Tweet, distancing himself from Trump supporters:

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