These Videos Are A Scary Reminder Of The State Of Some SA Schools

It’s starting to look like attending a South African school requires some serious street smarts and survival skills.

From paedophilic water polo coaches to the blatant sexual harassment of teachers, South African schools are more Hunger Games than Spud these days.

The Citizen has rounded up the five wildest things that have been filmed in South African schools this year. If by the end of this article you’re considering homeschooling your kids, no one would blame you.

Coming in at number one, we have the Lenasia Secondary School pupils who assaulted their teacher.
We covered this one when it happened, but here it is again

The pupils were suspended at the beginning of August after a video of them assaulting a teacher went viral online. In the video, one pupil can be seen touching the teacher’s buttocks while one records the act and the others laugh. The act is preceded by the pupil taunting the teacher before brushing his buttocks while looking into the camera and laughing with his friend who is recording the video and egging him on.

2. Primary school boy beats up a young girl

The video, initially reported on by Vaalweekblad, shows a primary school boy in Vereneeging beating a young girl, while the girl can be seen trying to shield herself with one hand.
Shortly after the video began to trend, the school allegedly refused to comment, citing that comment will be delivered by the Gauteng department of education. No such communication has been released to date.
3. High school girl preaches about her love of sex

The 16-year-old grade 10 pupil who was also recorded by a classmate can be heard using vulgar Setswana slang and terminology to declare her love for sex and condemn virgins as she exclaims “ke bolela ka selo se monate! Gape sex e monate. Motho ge a le virgin nou o itshenyetsa nako” which translate to “I am talking about something nice. Sex is nice. Anyone who is still a virgin at this moment is wasting their time.”
She goes on to use vulgar slang for the various body parts to describe the act of sex and how it makes her feel. She has since been suspended for five days by Sikhululekile High School after the school conducted its own investigations into the matter and instituted a disciplinary process.

4. High school girls brawl outside the school gates

Nobody knows much about this video, which has been taken down due to the sensitive nature of the content.

[The video] shows the two girls in an altercation shortly before one slaps the other and they end up in a violent fight.

“We will not allow acts like this to tarnish the reputation of the school. The school will apply the code of conduct,” said the school’s acting principal, Mr Padayachee, who has met with both the pupils’ parents in an effort to address the issue.

5. High school lap dance

An old video, recently posted on Instagram by YFM breakfast show host, DJ Ankletap, shows a female student giving a male student a lap dance in their classroom. Both students from an unidentified high school can be seen in uniform in the video.

Daily Sun reports that the Gauteng Department of Education said they could not identify the school, but they were deeply concerned about the conduct of the pupils.

“The department strongly condemns any misbehaviour in schools. Serious action could be taken against those involved. We have a policy of zero tolerance to any form of misconduct and anyone found to be in transgression of this policy will be dealt with in accordance with the South African Schools Act,” said the department’s spokesperson, Steve Mabona.

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